Hunan Strengthens Girls' Legal Protection

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Hunan Strengthens Girls' Legal Protection

 December 31, 2022

Hunan Strengthens Girls' Legal Protection


To create an environment that fosters children's healthy growth and development, Hunan Women's Federation, Hunan Higher People's Court, Hunan Provincial People's Procuratorate, Hunan Provincial Health Commission, and Hunan Province's departments of justice, public security, education, civil affairs and finance, in September held a ceremony to announce the establishment of a center aimed at helping girls protect their safety. The event was held in Changsha, capital of Central China's Hunan Province. 

Within a short time, the organizations held a seminar, during which the organizations' officials discussed ways to improve the work mechanism, through which the organizations would cooperate with each other to help girls protect their safety. The officials stressed that families, schools and society must shoulder their respective responsibilities to protect children's legal rights and interests, and, in particular, people must pay close attention to the protection of girls' safety. 


(Women of China English Monthly November 2022 issue)


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